936,804 Now Sick
144 Dead!
43,762 Hospitalized
Link to Official Numbers:
1. 07.11.2009 Пресрелізи :: Інформація щодо захворюваності на грип та гострі респіраторні захворювання та їх ускладнення (пневмонії тощо) станом на "07" листопада 2009 р. 1. 07/11/2009 Press Releases:: Information on the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections and their complications (pneumonia, etc.) as "07" November 2009
In one days time, a little less than 100,000 people were reported sick from the "mysterious" Plague. Those official numbers show less people got sick in the same amount of time, then had gotten sick yesterday from the day before.
Remember Babi Yar.