Thursday, November 19, 2009

Messages From Inside Ukraine - What is Really Going On - 11/19/09 3:10pm

Messages From Inside Ukraine - What is Really Going On

I have been reading all the messages possible on Ukraine boards/forums - here are a few of them, they seem to tell the REAL situation in the Ukraine, that we can not get otherwise. Again, I will not link this site, as I do not want it to be taken down for any reason.

The first message is of great interest to me, I could not find more information about it in some searches. I would like those who may be reading this and is more informed in this area to give their opinion on if it makes sense or is possible.

Knowing this, could help lots of people if true - then no need for the $300+ Tamiflu shot.


In South Korea found a new way to fight the epidemic "new" influenza H1N1.

Ученые из корейских университетов Аджу (Ajou University) и Йонсей (Yonsei University) пришли к выводу, что одним из самых эффективных в борьбе с вирусом H1N1 средством является озонированная вода с добавлением небольшого количества соляной кислоты. Scientists from Korean universities Ajou (Ajou University) and Yonsei University (Yonsei University) came to the conclusion that one of the most effective in combating the H1N1 virus tool is ozonized water with the addition of small amounts of hydrochloric acid. Данные проведенных ими исследований гласят, что заряженные ионы хлора деактивируют вирус, а вода полностью вымывает его из организма. These outcomes of their research state that ions of chlorine will deactivate the virus, and the water washes away completely from his body. В процессе нескольких экспериментов было взято 430 тысяч вирусных тел H1N1, и все они погибли через пять минут после контакта с озонированной кислотной водой (acidic ozone water). In the course of several experiments was taken 430 thousand phone virus H1N1, and they all died within five minutes after contact with acid ozonized water (acidic ozone water).

По мнению исследователей, на одну тонну воды необходимо всего лишь 22 грамма концентрированной соляной кислоты, и этого объема вполне достаточно для того, чтобы в получившейся жидкости образовалось достаточное количество заряженных ионов хлора, которые быстро уничтожат вирус. According to researchers, one ton of water to only 22 grams of concentrated hydrochloric acid, and this amount is sufficient to ensure that in the resulting liquid formed a sufficient number of charged chloride ions, which rapidly destroy the virus. Помимо этого, получившая кислотная среда прекрасно подойдет для дезинфекции организма. In addition, received the acid environment perfect for disinfection of the organism.

«Затраты, требующиеся для изготовления данного средства, ничтожно малы по сравнению с созданием вакцины, — рассказали авторы исследования, Квонг Ли (Kwang Lee) и Хан Ум (Han Uhm) на страницах авторитетного научного издания Applied Physics Letters. "The costs required for manufacturing the funds are negligible compared with the creation of a vaccine - have told the authors of the study, Kwong Lee (Kwang Lee) and Khan Um (Han Uhm) in the pages of authoritative scientific publications Applied Physics Letters. — Более того, озонированную кислотную воду можно производить в промышленных объемах, в корне изменив ситуацию с распространением вируса H1N1 во всем мире». - Moreover, ozonized acidic water can be produced on an industrial scale, fundamentally changing the situation with the spread of the H1N1 virus around the world. "

**Note - I have searched under Applied Physics - South Korea - Swine flu - I can not come up with the information that is stated above. So, would this work in others opinions?**
UPDATE - 11/19/09 4:45PM - Link to Information the message above talks about - Thank you to the Person Who Linked it in Comments - Who ever you are!!

When I read the information at the link - the main thing I realized it spoke about was Acid - that got me thinking.... Have you ever heard of Kombucha Tea? I drink it morning and night - you can make it yourself - I just researched and Found it DOES KILL Viruses! Kombucha is considered a "miracle tea" it cures cancer besides almost everything else - it has worked miracles for me and now I realize, when others have had colds/flu and gotten very sick around me - I DO NOT! I Drink Kombucha! Don't buy it in a store, get the mushroom and make it yourself - inexpensive. I will do a post about it all tomorrow. When I gather good links etc. to go to.
Please be sure to see comments - good information there too!

My aunt. Работа - модуль на рынке. Work - a module on the market.
Вторник 10.11 - высокая температура, скорая сбила температуру и предложила вызвать участкового врача. Tuesday 10.11 - high temperature, ambulance brought down the temperature and invited to call a GP. Участковый сразу направление в больницу выписал, скорая забрала. The policeman immediately sent for referral to hospital, ambulance picked. Чем лечили не знаю. What is treated not know. Предлагали темифлю 700-800 грн один укол а надо три как я понял. They offered temiflyu 700-800 UAH one shot and have three as I understood. Денег у родственников нет и постеснялись занять... Money from relatives do not hesitate and take ... Сейчас второй день в реанимации, сама не дышит, за реанимацию 3000 грн в сутки и шансов дают 10%. Now the second day in intensive care, she was not breathing, for resuscitation 3000 UAH per day and give 10% chance. Разве это не похоже на описание свиного гриппа? Is this not similar to the description of swine flu? Эти подходы оценила Европа в борьбе правительства с эпидемией! These approaches are evaluated in Europe against the government to the epidemic!

Father is sick the second day. все признаки гриппа, сильная усталость, слабость, тошнота. all the signs of influenza, severe fatigue, weakness, nausea. нигде в городе не поставили диагноз и не взяли анализов. anywhere in the city is not diagnosed and did not take tests. сейчас поедем евролаб. Now go Eurolab.
как можно так относится к людям? how can you apply to people?
почему врачи отказываются ставить диагноз пациентам? why doctors refuse to diagnose patients?

Yesterday was talking with a doctor, buyout deals and a physician lecheshim nekoryh policy, goes to various conferences, and so I trust her knowledge, poezhtomu yesterday to ask her about the situation with influenza in our country. Она мне ответила, что люди, котрые думают о том , что ситуация сильно раздута, глупоко ошибаются, информация не поступает в народ в нужном объеме, как это должно быть, от людей скрывают правду, реальную правду и смертность в регионах она мне назвала значительно выше той,которую мы слышим по ТВ.Сказала нивкоем случае не прекращать носить маски, прежде всего задуматься о себе и о своей семье, нежели о том, что о Вас подумают окружающие люди, которые расслабились и ходят уже без масок. She replied to me that people think about the buyout that the situation has greatly inflated, glupoko mistaken, the information did not reach the people in the right quantities, as it should be from people who hide the truth, real truth, and mortality in the region, she called me is considerably higher that which we hear on TV.Skazala nivkoem if not to stop the wearing of masks, especially to think about yourself and your family than that of the people around you think that walking is relaxed and without masks. Сейчас врачи молчат, те врачи кому не разрещают выносит правды в народ. Now doctors are silent, those doctors who do not razreschayut makes the truth in people. На самом деле все серьездно(привела, пример с Чернобылем и то когда до народа была донесена правда). In fact, all serezdno (led, the example of Chernobyl, and then when people had to indicate this is true). Вторая волна будет еще сильнее, после того когда закончится карантин( опять же власти будут давать народу инфу не в полном масштабе, чтобы не поднимать панику.Категорически против она была настроена вакцинации, особенно маленьких деток.В данный период она не советует вакцинироваться,еще одна вишка на чем наживутся политики. Мало того что у всех ослаблен иммунитет в связи с осенним периодом, так он еще и подорван у нас давно в связи с Чернобылем.Вакцина очень тяжело переноситься и не известно как наш организм отреагирует на данную вакцин( ПОВТОРЮСЬ ЭТО БЫЛИ ЕЕ СЛОВА).А в состав вакцины входит ртуть, вы знали? Дело конечно каждого на счет вакцинации, но для себя я выбор уже сделала The second wave will be even stronger after that, when completed quarantine (again, the authorities will give the people Join not in full scale so as not to raise paniku.Kategoricheski against it was set up vaccination, especially for young detok.V this period, she does not advise vaccinated, another Visca on what nazhivutsya policies. Not only are all weakened immunity in connection with the autumn period, so it also undermined our long time in connection with Chernobylem.Vaktsina very distressing and does not know how our bodies react to this vaccine (Repeat BEEN Her words). And in the vaccine composition includes mercury, you know? "It certainly at the expense of each vaccination, but for myself I have already made a choice

And that is not the "Berea" or "disbelief".
Грипп есть, причём не такой, как в прошлые годы, протекает тяжелее и длительнее даже у тех, кто раньше особо не болел, смертей намного больше и от всех скрывают эти цифры. Influenza is, not the same as in past years, more severe and prolonged, even those who had not particularly ill, many more deaths and hide from all these figures. Правда лишь в том, что политики стараются использовать эту ситуацию с пользой для себя, но пока не определились, что для них лучше: говорить о гриппе, или молчать, как они и приказали делать последнее время...Но проблема от этого не решается. The truth lies in the fact that politicians are trying to use this situation to the benefit of themselves, but have not decided yet what to them is better: to talk about the flu, or silent, as they are ordered to do last time ... But the problem is not solved by this.

People are dying ... Как лечат, чем лечат??? How to treat than cure?? У моего закомого в один день умерла мама 57 лет, и невестка 23 года. My Zach one day my mother died aged 57, and daughter for 23 years.

Reliable information: from the Ministry of Health came to an official order to all physicians not to write diagonoz influenza, and pathologists (so as not to spoil the statistics) strict orders not to write the cause of death pneumonia. Любой другой диагноз. Any other diagnosis.

I am familiar doctor told me that they gathered the chief doctor and instructed not to write diagnoses of influenza and pneumonia. Ни в коем случае. Never. Вот Вам и правда!.... Here's to you and the truth !....

Our shop therapist confidentially said that they were forbidden under pain of dismissal diagnosis-influenza (write ARI, ARI). А ещё точно знаю, что с 15 ноября в реанимации нашего небольшого города лежат 8 человек с диагнозом бактериальная пневмония, но СЭС это отрицает. And just know that from November 15 in the resuscitation of our small town are 8 people with a diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia, but the SES is denied.
Паники нет,но население должно быть информировано, по моему мнению. No panic, but people should be informed, in my opinion.


  1. This ozonated hydrochloric acid sounds kind off like MMS (miracle mineral solution) I am not to familiar with the science of it but MMS is a chlorine dioxide activated with citric acid. It is known to cure malaria, tb, HIV and all sorts of viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic infections. It is also good for chelating heavy metals.
    I ordered some on the 9th of november when I hear of this outbreak. It is extremely cheap 20$ for a years supply. The product arrived a week later.

    Thanks for sharing the comments from the message boards.

  2. Can you provide a link for us to look at what you got? It might be nice to have on hand.



  4. Hey Sherrie

    Again, I've stumbled across another article saying that scientist are worried about the H5N1 virus mixing with the H1N1 virus. This one was written back in May, 2009.

    "Scientists are unsure how likely this possibility is, but note that the new swine flu strain - a never-before-seen mixture of pig, human and bird viruses - has shown itself to be especially adept at snatching evolutionarily advantageous genetic material from other flu viruses. "

    "Experts have long feared that bird flu could mutate into a form that spreads easily among people. The past three flu pandemics - the 1918 Spanish flu, the 1957-58 Asian flu and the Hong Kong flu of 1968-69 - were all linked to birds, though some scientists believe pigs also played a role in 1918."

    "This H1N1 hasn't been overblown. It's a puppy, it's an infant, and it's growing. This virus has got the whole human population in the world to breed in … it may become a wimp and disappear, or it may become nasty.
    Dr. Robert Webster, virologist"

    I keep finding old articles saying that scientist fear a new pandemic flu virus will surface and that lots of research is being done.

  5. Here is the MMS site with good info...


    There are lots of other suppliers as well. You just need to do a search for miracle mineral solution.

  6. I humbly suggest dluted hydrogen peroxide.

    I use this in my childrnes humidifier when they are sick. I dilute 35 percent H2O2 to 1 percent with distilled water as tap is loaded with chlorine and other reactive chemicals.

    The H2O2 does tow things. It kills and disinfects viruses and bacteria. Then, upon disinfection, breaks down into oxygen, which is very helpful to recovery.

    My son went to bed with a 99 fever and a cough two weeks ago. I was sure it was swine flu. Mixed up 64 ounces of the above solution in his humidifer and set it on full blast. I could taste the H2O2 in my mouth when I walked in a few hours later. However, in the morning my son had no fever or cough.


  7. I use hydrogen peroxide also!! I get the 35% Food Grade - Very important not to use over the counter stuff. Then dilute it. I used to drink a few drops in water, but I can't stand the taste. So I got a nose spray container and I use one drop in the 1 oz bottle and mist it in my nose all day - ADDS Oxygen to the body. Hydrogen peroxide has also been proven to CURE Cancer - and tons of other stuff!

    Thank you for commenting about hydrogen peroxide!

  8. So am I understanding this properly? The physicians are instructed to NOT write diagnosis as influenza or pnuemonia? Is that going to interrupt Tamiflu treatment for them? And what is that about 8 people having bacterial pnuemonia!?! Does that fit in with the pnuemonic plague suspicion?

  9. To me it means they don't want to say what it really is. If it is pneumonia, it sure is hitting hard and fast. What I think the messages say over all is things are being hidden about what is happening. It is NOT the Swine Flu, and if we are to believe what the doctors said in the beginning, before they were shut down from talking - they said it is the pneumonic plague.

    The problem is we are not getting honest answers out of anyone. So it is a continued investgation ourselves to try and uncover the truth. Even if we are on the other side of the world.

  10. You're doing a service and we appreciate it very much, thank you.

    I took the swine flu vaccine when I was 12 in 1976. Today, I'm sterile, and have been my whole adult life. I have a nerve condition and arthritis. I was a straight A student when I took the vaccine and afterwards I couldn't concentrate for long periods of time, started having periods of major depression, and became a drop-out at 16 after flunking the 9th grade twice. I was an outstanding athlete and never had a chance to pursue my dreams in that arena because of the way in which my life disintegrated. I went back to school in my 30s, graduated from UC berkeley in 2000.

    I can't believe they are foisting this 3-part cocktail on the entire world's population without even the slightest caution, all of our localalized political leaders have been paid off, as the county in which I live receives money for each successful stick. I got an automated call from a county supervisor which undoubtedly reached a million or more people in the Bay Area, many of whom will take the shot.

  11. I agree with the above statement about the MMS, (Miracle Mineral Solution)and have been taking some myself for the last 2 weeks both as a detox and to prevent viruses from entering my body, or if they do, are killed immediately. I also drink Kombucha Tea and attribute it to staying on top of my immunity to the common cold, flu, etc...

    With the cost of these two preventative/remedies, being almost nothing, one could see that they could become a threat for the powers that be if more people started doing a little research on them and stop going to the doctor everytime they felt ill. Instead taking back the responsibility of their own health! Knowledge is power. Some more links that might be of use:,, for Kombucha Tea: and
