Monday, November 16, 2009

Messages On a Ukraine Forum - Gives An Idea of What is Happening 11/16/09 2:05pm

Messages On a Ukraine Forum - Gives An Idea of What is Happening

I am inserting a few messages I have found on a Ukraine forum. I translate them - through the google translation. Just as with any forum, people do not spell words correctly, so the translation skips quite a few words.

I have been watching this board for a few days now. I am going to insert just a few of the messages, so everyone has an idea of what the people of the Ukraine are thinking etc. I can read their frustration in what is occurring and not getting the real information from it. I am NOT inserting the link - because I DO NOT want the authorities to shut it down, etc. So, you will just have to believe me, that these ARE off a Ukraine Forum!

Messages on the Ukrainian Forum/Board - all separated by spaces.

O chume - most do not believe in it is. Но, во первых – смертность от чумы, если ее лечить – 10% от числа заболевших. But, IN THE FIRST - mortality from чумы, if its лечить - 10% of the number zabolevshyh. Во вторых (ссылку кину позже, как найду) – проводились лабораторные исследования испанки, на которую все так любят сейчас ссылаться, так вот вирус испанки слабее вируса обыкновенного сезонного гриппа. Secondly Vo (link will cast later, ) - Research conducted лабораторные yspanky on kotoruyu all so like to ссылаться now, so that's Virus yspanky slabee virus обыкновенного seasonal гриппа. Просто иммунная система человека тоже последние 100 лет на месте не стояла. Just ymmunnaya system too human past 100 years in the field was not.
Во вторых - значительно выросла гигиена, по меньшей мере руки все научились мыть и у нас в городе мусор вывозят регулярно. Vo Secondly - Hygiene grew significantly, at least his hands are learned мыть and in our city garbage вывозят regularly. Крыс и мышей, бегающих по улице (а они считаются основными разносчиками чумы, то есть блохи на них живущие) – я у нас в городе тоже не наблюдаю. Rats and мышей, behayuschyh on the street (and they are mainly the schytayutsya raznoschykamy чумы, you have fleas on them zhyvuschye) - I am here in town not too nablyudayu.
В третьих – эпидемия как то странно началась и странно распространяется! In the third - эпидемия strangely enough as it started and Distributed strangely enough! Вспомните начало свиного гриппа – начало в Мексике, где он мутировал, а распространение по планете шло через крупные города, где каждый день идет огромный поток пассажиров. Recall the beginning of pigs гриппа - beginning in Mexico, where he mutyroval and spread on a plan shlo a Large city, where every day talking a huge flow of passengers. А теперь объясните, как вирус гриппа попал в глубокое село под Николаевом, где жила скончавшаяся женщина. And now explain how Virus гриппа hit deep in the village under Nikolayev, where the woman lived skonchavshayasya. Никуда не выезжала, к ней никто не приезжал из зараженных областей, просто как кирпич с неба. Nykuda not выезжала, K Heft no one pryezzhal of зараженных areas, just as a brick with the sky. Как там может оказаться чума – я еще гипотетически предположить могу, а как свиной грипп…. How can they prove plague - I even hypothetically predpolozhyt могу, but as svynoy грипп .... В Николаеве ни один случай заражения свиным гриппом не подтвержден. In one case of Nikolaev Us zarazhenyya свиным гриппом not podtverzhden. Так откуда он в глубоком селе в области? So on "From deep in the village in the area?
В четвертых – картина болезни и смерти – похожи на легочную чуму. In четвертых - picture of disease and death - similar to lehochnuyu plague.
Повторюсь – я не хочу верить, что это заболевание – легочная чума. I repeat - I do not want to believe that this disease - lehochnaya plague. Просто, как и все, хочу знать правду и найти логичные объяснения на свои вопросы. Just, like everything, I want to know the truth and find a logical explanation for свои issues.

zabolel vicar weeks ago, now has вылечился, went to work, tells stories about the volume as a hospital with symptoms of people slaughtered гриппа, orvz people to queue for admission zahodyat, spoken name on, симптомы, im doctor immediately, especially not mudrstvuya, выписывает hospital for three days - all supposedly is free, runs, next ...
а дальше что - как карта ляжет что ли??? and further that - as a map lyazhet that it???

My tetya. Работа - модуль на рынке. Jobs - module on the market.
Вторник 10.11 - высокая температура, скорая сбила температуру и предложила вызвать участкового врача. Tuesday 10.11 - высокая temperature skoraya sbyla temperature and suggested вызвать uchastkovoho physician. Участковый сразу направление в больницу выписал, скорая забрала. Участковый direction immediately in hospital выписал, skoraya claimed. Чем лечили не знаю. Chem lechyly not know. Предлагали темифлю 700-800 грн один укол а надо три как я понял. Predlahaly temyflyu 700-800 USD one shot and upon three as I understand. Денег у родственников нет и постеснялись занять... Denhi in relatives and no postesnyalys Occupation ... Сейчас второй день в реанимации, сама не дышит, за реанимацию 3000 грн в сутки и шансов дают 10%. Now the second day of resuscitation, itself not дышит for resuscitation 3000 USD per night and shansov дают 10%. Разве это не похоже на описание свиного гриппа? Разве it is not similar to a description of pigs гриппа? К слову на горячем номере Тимошенко сказали перезвонят через две-три неделе! K word on hot number Tymoshenko said perezvonyat through two more three-week! Слава Юле! Thank Yulia! Эти подходы оценила Европа в борьбе правительства с эпидемией! These approaches otsenyla Europe in the fight against the Government s эпидемией!

да они на период эпидемии подписку дают о неразглашении, это мне другой врач говорил и все они подсуд пойдут, если будут болтать, эпидемия есть, а врачи тоже люди и они боятся и многие и не лезут особо много знать, берегите себя и ностие маски, не будьте олухами самоуспокоившимися yes they are for the period эпидемии subscription дают at nerazhlashenyy, this doctor talk to me else and all they podsud poydut, if it will be screwed, эпидемия is, and doctor and they are people too, and many boyatsya лезут girl and not many know, the banks themselves and nostye mask not be loggerhead samouspokoyvshymysya

Within 10 days (03.11-13.11) on CRH Shepetovskoy passed 5 тяжелых pneumonia-3 man died. Такого не было давно.Власти скрывают истинные цифры смертности Such was not davno.Vlasty скрывают the true mortality figures

We (Mogilev-Podolsky Vinnitsa) almost no one is wearing masks. Сначала была паника, все по аптекам разметали, лимоны в магазинах подскочили с 12 грн до 27 и не было, сейчас по 15 грн-бери-не хочу, но с лекарствами от гриппа напряг по прежнему... First, was panic, everything razmetaly pharmacy, лимоны stores podskochyly s 12 USD to 27 and was not, now 15 USD-take-I do not want, but with drugs from гриппа napryah still on ...

To Turkey from the first смертельный case of pneumonia. Умерла женщина, которая работала лаборантом. Dead woman, which worked as a laboratory. В Кировограде трое человек в реанимации. In Kirovograd troe people in resuscitation. Одна женщина лежит на ШВЛ. One woman lying on artificial pulmonary ventilation. Ребята, а Вы знали, что лежать на ШВЛ - это оказывается стоит кучу денег?! Guys, as you know that lying on artificial pulmonary ventilation - is worth оказывается bunch of money? И это в стране где бесплатная медицина?????????? And this is in the country where free music ?????????? Задумайтесь!!!!! Think !!!!! Носите маски и мойте руки. Wear masks and moyte hands. Защитите себя и своих близких. Protect themselves and of their close to. Потому что никто кроме Вас самих о Вашем здоровье не позаботиться! Because no one except yourself at Vashem health pozabotytsya not!

Vozha child in Kindergarten, a group walk in his child, mother of which doctor. Еще в пятницу 30.10. Another Friday 30.10. врачам было объявлено о случаях заболевания калифорнийским гриппом в Житомире. Doctors at the event was declared заболевания kalyfornyyskym гриппом in Zhitomir. Им запретили об этом распространяться. Im banned about this rasprostranyatsya. От знакомой , которая лежала в больнице с ребенком узнала , что есть по словам медперсонала смертность от вируса ,который явно не обычный грипп ,хотя они лечат простыми антибиотиками и капельницами, есть. That znakomoy, which was lying in hospital with a child learned that there are words for nursing mortality from virus, which is obviously not Default грипп, although they lechat простыми antybyotykamy and kapelnytsamy, ie. При этом врачи знают, что помочь уже не могут. At the same physician know that help the already could not. Анализы для установки причины смерти не отсылаются в Киев. Анализы settings for reasons of death are not отсылаются in Kiev. Умер лечащий врач. Died lechaschyy doctor. Медперсонал увольняется массово. Medicine uvolnyaetsya mass. Но все запуганные нашим мером, молчат. But all запуганные our mayor, molchat. Хотелось бы узнать комментарии, от того кто работает в больнице. Хотелось comments would learn, from someone that works in the hospital.

On, this forum/message board there are posts after posts of people and family members very sick, with high temperatures.

I inserted them, as I thought most people would be interested in how the People in the Ukraine feel and what they say/think is going on! Notice most don't think the official numbers are correct from the Ukraine either. I know it can be hard to understand, but you can basically get the jest of it all.

Update - Note - 11/16/09 5:23pm I just went to the site/forum - it is "unavailable now" - I sincerely hope these comments do not say what site it is - somewhere in them.

UPDATE 11/17/09 7:45am - site is up and back running.


  1. I've talked to a friend who is now in Kiev. For him, he don't see more sick than normal, its media hype to panic the people before the election...

    "Il on mis les gens ici sur la panique avec ca, mais il y a pas plus de gens malade qua la normal a mes yeux... mais il on mis ce vent de panique avant les elections...."

  2. The politics right now are terrible there. I have been reading so much about them! I am not putting those things in here, as there is no need.

    Is it politics? I can't believe all the numbers and the doctors saying what they are about it, is all politics. I also believe some areas are worst than others.

  3. Is it politic? don't know... And I don't know if he's visited other area.
    I know that he's girlfriend live in the west of Kiev, and he has been there for a few days, he was still in Montreal on november 3.

  4. Ukraine Flu Outbreak: Virus Is a Mixture of H1N1 and Parainfluenza, Causes Cardiopulmonary Failure
    Interview with Dr. Victor Bachinsky
    By Anna Yashchenko
    URL of this article:

    Global Research, November 15, 2009
    Unian News Agency (Ukraine), Russian original. Infowars Ireland (English translation)2009-11-14
    [Translated from Russian, first published in English by Infowars Ireland]

    Based on autopsies, we have come to the conclusion: it's not pneumonia, but cardiopulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock. The virus enters directly into the lungs, there is bleeding. Antibiotics should not be used.

    Why do we have such a high mortality rate in the country?

    Because people are going to pharmacies to get medicine instead of going to their doctors to be treated. No it is not pneumonic plague. It's all nonsense. antibiotics do not help. Those with strong immune systems will survive. People with weak immune systems will succumb to the illness. Face Masks provide 30% extra protection. Wearing glasses gives an additional 10% protection, that is 40%, because the virus penetrates the mucose membranes.

    The Head of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, Professor Victor Bachinsky M.D. makes a strong statement: all the victims of the virus in Bukovina (22 persons aged 20 to 40 years) died not from bilateral (double) pneumonia, as previously thought, but as a result of viral distress syndrome, i.e. the total destruction of the lungs. We caught up with Professor Bachinsky, to find out how he came to this conclusion, and how people can protect themselves from this disease.

    Professor, you said earlier that the virus, from which many people have died – is a mixture of types of parainfluenza and influenza A/H1N1. How do you cure this disease?

    The question of how to treat this virus is not up to me. I am a pathologist. I just found out what it is and made an exact diagnosis. It is important to provide the correct treatment based on diagnosis.

    There are strict protocols and standards of treatment in medicine. If a doctor treats a patient who dies, their relatives can make a complaint that they were not treated properly (misdiagnosed). The Ministry of Health has set the protocols and standards of treatment for each diagnosis. If diagnosed correctly, the treatment should be correct.

  5. In the Chernivtsi region 18 people have died. We studied all the history and evidence from this disease, preclinical, clinical, resuscitation. When we perform an autopsy organs and tissues have histological studies (cell analysis) and we concluded that it was not pneumonia, and has no relation to pneumonia whatsoever.

    These results are the foundation to ensure that doctors who treat this disease all over Ukraine, change their tactics and standards of care.

    Can this new virus be cured?

    It depends on the immune system. If a person's immune system is strong, they will overcome it. There are people who carry this strain of H1N1 and remain on their feet and don't even realise they are sick.

    Antibiotics definitely should not be taken. Antibiotics are the reason we have such a high mortality and infection rate in this country, because people go to the pharmacy, describe their symptoms to the pharmacist and ask for drugs. They buy antibiotics, take them, this lowers their immune system and as a result they become sick. If prescriptions were required to buy these medications, like in other countries, this would not have happened. It is the ability to buy antibiotics over the counter without a prescription which has done so much harm to the State.

    During autopsies, what did the lungs look like? Were they really black, which gave rise to so much talk of pulmonary plague?

    No, they are not black... This is not pneumonic plague. It's all nonsense. Pneumonic plague has a very different morphology. We have, for example, 60 thousand people who became sick and 23 have died. With pulmonary plague, we would now have a mortality rate of 59 thousand...

    This is a viral attack that destroys the lungs.

    It turns out that not only in Bukovina, but also throughout the Ukraine people did not die from pneumonia, but from this toxic strain?

    Yes, It's not pneumonia! This destruction of the lungs. This strain is very toxic, and if the immune system is weak, there is bleeding in the lungs. In the lungs there is a tiny structure – acinus, which looks like a bunch of grapes. When you breathe, oxygen enters this tiny “bunch of grapes” ( pulmonary alveoli ). On the surface of the acinus are the capillaries, where red blood cells saturate with oxygen and give blood, which supplies all tissues and organs in the body.

    And once the virus enters the lungs – hemorrhaging begins immediately in the acinus. A continuous hemorrhage... It takes several hours. In the blood fibrin is formed, and from it – giolinovaya membrane, resembling a plastic bag. It envelops the acinus, and the person breathes in oxygen, but it is not transferred to the tissues. And people just gasp. There is a cardio-pulmonary insufficiency and cardiogenic shock. People die of cardiogenic shock. And there is no pneumonia. Pneumonia – an inflammation, which is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics cannot help at any stage. There should be absolutely different treatment.

    And how about Tamiflu – does it help?

    This is not an antibiotic, it is an antiviral drug, which should be applied on the second or third day of the disease. But you can not use Tamiflu as a preventitive, because it is toxic.

    What are the best measures to resist the disease? Is it advisable to use a mask, garlic, vitamin C?

  6. The primary method of prevention is a face mask. This give 30% extra protection. If you wear glasses [goggles] – it is 40%, because the virus enters through the mucous membranes.

    It is necessary to improve the human immune system. Not only now, but in general. Garlic, onions, wild rose, viburnum (guelder rose), raspberries, citrus fruit, honey, and other fruits and vegetables – whatever you want. Those with a strong immune system will survive. Those with weaker immune systems will succumb to the disease.

    We have a lot of people in Ukraine who like shopping at the open markets. If we can avoid open markets, the less people will be in contact with each other and more lives will be saved.

    You have contacted the Health Ministry and advised them to review the standards for treatment of patients. What did they say?

    We sent them all our data, the necessary protocols and standards of treatment, our diagnosis. But it is clear that decisions cannot be instantaneous.

    And why until now has nobody else known about this disease? What were the leading specialists in the Ministry of Health doing all this time?

    Perhaps this is due to the fact that there are scientists who are working on a purely theoretical basis. And there are scientists who have seen the autopsy results. I practice as head of the regional forensic bureau and as a professor. The fact that we have established this diagnosis – it is not just to my credit, and this is not my personal opinion. This is the opinion of specialists, morphologists and doctors in Bukovina. There are five professors in our group – I just head the group.

    Professor Victor Bachinsky, M.D. is a coroner in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. He also teaches at the Department of Anatomical Pathology and Forensic Medicine of Bukovynian State Medical Academy.

    Original interview in Russian by Anna Yashchenko published by Unian:

  7. Hi, Noor,

    I posted that the other day in full - you can find it under last weeks postings.

    Thank you

  8. Has anybody dried to help sick peopel with ozone or ClO2 (MMS)

  9. For boosting my immunity I use 9V battery. Direct Contact to skin in places on hands, where you take pulse. In 1918 they use H2O2 (1%) mix.

    I have used barberry roots core, I like it.

  11. Be fearless. Our Souls are immortal. Body is interface.

  12. Thank you for the upgraded translation, Noor al Haqiqa. I sent this along to Sherrie last week, but the Cyrillic is always tough sledding. Great job, thanks again, from 'Andruski'

  13. ROFL I am so duhhhhhhh sometimes! blushes... oh well my intentions were better than my iq in this case!
