Serious side effects of the swine flu vaccine is far more common than statistics show. Marit Elin Berg (50) falt sammen i kramper. Marit Elin Berg (50) collapsed in convulsions.
According to the Norwegian Medicines Agency has been recorded only one case of anaphylactic shock after that we started to vaccinate high risk groups.
Helsepersonell har plikt til å melde fra ved mistanke om alvorlige bivirkninger, inkludert anafylaktisk sjokk. Health professionals have a duty to report suspected serious adverse reactions, including anaphylactic shock.
Er på etterskudd Is in arrears
Ifølge Ingebjørg Buajordet i Legemiddelverket er det reelle tallet på bivirkninger langt høyere enn det den offisielle statistikken viser i dag. According Ingebjørg Buajordet in Medicines Agency is the real number of side effects far higher than the official statistics show today.
- Tallene er veldig lave i forhold til de meldingene vi vet har kommet inn. - The numbers are very low in relation to the messages we know have been cast. Grunnen til dette er at statistikken vår avspeiler data som er kommet inn i databasen. The reason for this is that our statistics reflects data entered in the database. Det tar omtrent en uke fra rapporten er sendt til den kommer inn i systemet, sier Buajordet til . It takes about a week from the report is sent to the coming into the system, "says Buajordet to
Tirsdag meldte om en kvinne i Arna som ble innlagt på sykehus etter å ha fått vaksinen. Tuesday notified about a woman in Arna who was hospitalized after receiving the vaccine.
Had to get extra oxygen
Også Marit Elin Berg fra Dale fikk en kraftig reaksjon, på Dale helsestasjon torsdag 29. Also Marit Elin Berg from Dale had a strong reaction, the Dale health clinic on Thursday 29 oktober. October.
- Hun var borte vekk og fikk kramper, men ingen diagnose ble stilt. - She was gone away and got cramps, but no diagnosis was made. Vi fikk ikke vite hva som skjedde med henne, sier kjæresten hennes, Per Arne Rasmussen. We did not know what happened to her, says her boyfriend, Per Arne Rasmussen.
- Det eneste jeg husker er at jeg ble kvalm med en gang hun satte sprøyten. - The only thing I remember is that I was sick as soon as she put the syringe. Så ble jeg svimmel og skjelven, sier Berg selv. Then I got dizzy and shaky, "said Berg himself.
50-åringen falt sammen på gulvet. 50-year-old collapsed on the floor. Helsepersonellet ga henne en sprøyte med adrenalin, som er behandlingen for anafylaktisk sjokk. Health care gave her a shot of adrenaline, which is the treatment for anaphylactic shock. Hun fikk også ekstra surstoff og flere doser av det beroligende middelet Stesolid. She also received extra oxygen and multiple doses of the sedative Stesolid.
Berg har tidligere hatt epileptiske anfall. Berg has previously had seizures.
Fraktet til sykehus Taken to hospital
Kvinnens tidligere fastlege, kommunelege Kari Hegge, ble vitne til anfallet, og bidro med førstehjelp. The woman's former doctor, kommunelege Kari Hegge, witnessed the attack, and helped with first aid. Hun var tilfeldigvis på helsestasjonen for å få vaksinen selv. She was accidentally on the health clinic to get the vaccine itself.
Marit Elin Berg was carried out in the ambulance and transported to Voss hospital, where she revived to first the next day. Døgnet etter vaksineringen er som et svart hull i hukommelsen. Day after vaccination is that a black hole of memory.
- Etterpå hadde veldig vondt i armen. - Afterwards, had a very sore arm. Fremdeles er jeg svimmel, har hodepine, feber og problemer med å få ned maten, sier Berg til Still, I am dizzy, have headaches, fever and trouble down the food, "says Berg told
- Vi kommer til å rapportere dette tilfellet til Legemiddelverket. - We are going to report this case to the Medicines Agency. Vi har ikke opplevd at andre har fått alvorlige bivirkninger, sier kommuneoverlege Ole Thorseth. We have not seen that someone has had serious side effects, "says Ole kommuneoverlege Thorseth.
Nye tall publiseres på nettsiden til Legemiddelverket førstkommende fredag. New figures published on the website of the Medicines Agency this coming Friday.
- Det har kommet endel rapporter nå i løpet av denne uken, sier Buajordet. - There have been some reports now in the course of this week, says Buajordet.
Hun understreker at i forhold til antall vaksinerte, er antall rapporter om alvorlige bivirkninger så langt ikke bekymringsverdig. She emphasizes that in relation to the number vaccinated, the number of reports of serious side effects so far no cause for concern.
Oh, one thought from me - maybe, someone needs to send this to WHO - so they see there have been side effects from the vaccine, contrary to their statement and Press release on the 30th of Oct. saying there have been No side effects from the vaccine.
It would be helpful to know which vaccine they are using there. Whether it has an adjutant it is and if so which one. Some people have some really weird things happen from squaline from what I've read. I'm glad we do not use such in vaccines here in the USA.
ReplyDeleteWe have Pandemrix - it contains both thiomersal (2 mcg Hg pr dose) and squalene (ASO3). There are also other adjuvants in it, like polysorbate and formaldehyde i think. The Norweigan Institute of Public Health (FHI in short in Norwegian) claims it's safe, but many think it's not safe at all. And, they got a bargain - the flu shot is cheaper due to the adjuvants. Great, isn't it?! A couple of years ago Hg was banned in production, retail and use, exept from seasonal and pandemic flu shots (to make them quicker and quicker logistics) and "energy saving light bulbs". Hg in its organic form, like methyl and ethyl Hg, is very toxic and harms the central nervous system especially of fetuses, children and even adults. The lowest dosage of harm is not known, but FHI still claims it's safe. Their own department with people working with toxicolgy are disturbingly silent about this...
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