Både forekomsten av influensalignende sykdom og antallet bekreftede influensatilfeller har økt kraftig i hele landet de siste ukene. Both the incidence of influenza-like illness and the number of confirmed flu cases has increased sharply throughout the country in recent weeks. Men i forrige uke gikk kurven bratt oppover. But last week was a steep upward curve.
Rekorduke Rekorduke
Ifølge Folkehelseinstituttet ble hele så mange som 500.000 nordmenn smittet av svineinfluensa bare i forrige uke. According to the NIPH was all as many as 500,000 Norwegians infected with swine flu only last week.
We estimate that just under 900,000 Norwegians are now infected and that nearly half a million were infected just last week. Det er et stort tall og det forteller oss at vi er midt i en ny og sterk smittebølge som er betydelig sterkere enn den vi hadde i sommer, sier Hans Blystad, overlege ved Folkehelseinstituttet. There are a large number and it tells us that we are in the middle of a new and powerful wave of infection which is significantly stronger than the one we had this summer, "said Hans Blystad, superintendent at the NIPH.
Han vil ikke mene noe om, eller når, vi kan regne med å nå en foreløpig smittetopp, men sier en utflating av antall nye smittede først er trolig når enda flere er vaksinert. He will not mean anything if, or when, we can expect to reach a temporary peak of infection, but said a leveling off of the number of new infected first is probably when even more is vaccinated.
Smitteestimatene til Folkehelseinstituttet bygger på innrapporterte tilfeller i forrige uke fra 201 legekontorer spredt over hele landet, blant annet ved laboratorietester og hvor mange som fikk diagnosen «influensalignende sykdom». Infection estimates of the NIPH is based on reported cases in the last week from 201 physician offices spread across the country, including laboratory tests and how many were diagnosed with "influenza-like illness".
14 prosent av dem som gikk til legen i forrige uke fikk denne diagnosen. 14 percent of those who went to the doctor last week had this diagnosis. Av de testene som ble gjort nærmere i laboratorium påviste alle prøver svineinfluensaviruset. Of the tests that were done in more detail in the laboratory showed all samples swine influenza virus.
Sykehus Hospitals
Svineinfluensavirset har nå spredt seg epidemisk til hele landet, og er mest omfattende på Sørøst- og Vestlandet. Svineinfluensavirset has now spread epidemic in the whole country, and is most extensive in the Southeast and West Coast.
Hittil er 772 nordmenn innlagt på sykehus i forbindelse med svineinfluensapandemien. So far, 772 Norwegians hospitalized in connection with the swine flu pandemic. 94 har fått intensivbehandling, og 16 er omkommet. 94 received intensive treatment, and 16 are dead. 13 av dem døde på sykehus. 13 of them died in hospital. I går var 93 personer innlagt på sykehus, og 20 på intensivavdeling. Yesterday was the 93 people hospitalized, and 20 in intensive care.
Assisterende helsedirektør Bjørn Guldvog tror at tallet på smittede i Norge vil øke. Deputy Health Director Bjorn Guldvog believe that the number of infected in Norway will increase.
– Vi tror vi er på en oppadstigende bølge i antall smittede. - We believe we are on a rising wave in the number of infected people. Men snart er nesten alle i risikogruppene vaksinert, derfor håper vi på en avflating i tallet på kritisk syke og døde, sier Guldvog. But soon, almost all the risk groups vaccinated, so we hope for a avflating in the number of critically ill and died, "said Guldvog.
Thank you espenslind (youtube name) for bringing this to our attention!
Looks like one more country to keep an eye on now.
FYI - There are 4.8 million people in Norway
that amounts to 10% of the amount of people in Ukraine - yet almost the same amount sick as in Ukraine. Though right now - it does not look as if Norway's sickness is like Ukraine's.
I will now start doing constant searches for Norway news too!
Check back on mass fatality stats after the mass vaccination kicks in -
It's all a big mediahype in Norway. They test only a few of the persons who are ill with flu like symptoms - the ones in the risk groups. Their number is just a guesstimate (guess + estimate) at best. They just want the Norwegian people to get the shot, and those who oppose openly are called things like "conspiracy theroists" and are riddiculed. Like the facebook group http://www.facebook.com/groups.php?id=721516335&gv=2#/home.php?filter=nf. This is just a bunch of people trying to warn others about the swine jab, what it contains and what side effects it can give. We have Pandemrix here, and it contains both squalene and quick silver (as tiomersal, or ethyl Hg). Therefore I will not have the shot, despite the fact that I'm pregnant and thus in a risk group. I will not risk the fetus I'm carrying. And, what the media isn't telling us is that most of those who get the swine flu recover quickly, actually quicker than with regular seasonal flu...