Monday, November 16, 2009

Drive In Vaccinations Article With Ukraine Mentioned in Germany 11/16/09 8:45pm

Drive In Vaccinations Article With Ukraine Mentioned in Germany

Thank you to "EndTime Events" a reader - linking this in comments.

This article talks about the Drive In Vaccinations, it also mentions the Ukraine. As with all the MSM articles about the Ukraine they are all off on the numbers of the dead. They all have 189 - when in fact those numbers were 283 (now over 300) when the articles were written. I won't belabor that, because I am glad some attention is now being given to the people of the Ukraine! It also mentions some other countries and what is happening in those.


Already 20 million infected, and 4,000 deaths in the U.S. - the swine flu virus is spreading rapidly. Immer mehr Menschen wollen sich impfen lassen. More and more people want to get vaccinated. Deshalb greifen die Amerikaner jetzt zu außergewöhnlichen Maßnahmen. That is why the Americans are now resort to extraordinary measures.

MIS MAKE THE "DRIVE-IN-vaccination"!

Das kennen wir sonst nur von McDonald's und Burger King! We only know about McDonald's and Burger King! Immer mehr Bundesstaaten betreiben sogenannte „Drive Thru“-Kliniken (Durchfahrkliniken), organisiert von den Gesundheitsämtern. More and more states pursue so-called "Drive Through" clinics) (Durchfahrkliniken, organized by the Health Boards.

Vorfahren, Impfen, Wegfahren. Ancestors vaccination driving away. Gibt es solche Bilder bald auch bei uns? Is there such pictures soon also with us?

Zurzeit ist das Virus offenbar nicht zu stoppen. Currently not seem to stop the virus. Möglich, dass es jetzt sogar mutiert. Possible that there is now even mutated.

• In der Ukraine sind mehr als eine Million Menschen an einem mysteriösen, aggressiven Grippevirus erkrankt, das schon 189 Todesopfer forderte. • In the Ukraine are affected more than one million people in a mysterious, aggressive flu virus that has claimed 189 lives. 53 000 Ukrainer werden in Kliniken behandelt. 53 000 Ukrainians are treated in hospitals. Ärzte vergleichen die Symptome mit denen der Spanischen Grippe, die nach dem 1. Doctors compare the symptoms with those of the Spanish flu, which after 1 Weltkrieg Millionen den Tod brachte. World War II brought millions to death. Der ukrainische Präsident Juschtschenko hat die Weltgesundheitsbehörde (WHO) um Hilfe gebeten. Ukrainian President Yushchenko has asked the World Health Organization (WHO) for assistance. Forscher untersuchen, ob es sich um die mutierte Schweinegrippe handelt. Researchers are investigating whether it is the swine flu is mutated.

• In Polen und im Kosovo starben am Wochenende erstmals Menschen an der Schweinegrippe. • In Poland and in Kosovo, died at the weekend for the first time people in the swine flu.

• In Palermo (Italien) kämpfen Ärzte um das Leben einer 30-Jährigen. • In Palermo (Italy) Doctors are fighting for the life of a 30-year-olds. Die Schweinegrippe-Patientin brachte im 8. The swine flu patient brought in the 8th Monat ihre Zwillinge gesund zur Welt, leidet aber an einer doppelten Lungenentzündung. Month, make their twins born healthy, but suffering from double pneumonia.

• Das saudi-arabische Gesundheitsministerium empfiehlt muslimischen Risikopatienten, derzeit Mekka zu meiden und Pilgerfahrten zu verschieben. • The Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health recommends that Muslim-risk patients, currently avoid Mecca and move pilgrimages. In Jordanien werden heute 500 Pilger extra geimpft. In Jordan today, 500 pilgrims are extra vaccinated.

• Auf fragwürdigen Schutz gegen die Grippe vertrauen die Serben: Sie setzen auf Knoblauch statt Impfung und die Knoblauchpreise steigen. • At the questionable protection against the flu trust the Serbs: they rely on vaccination instead of garlic and garlic rising prices.

In Deutschland appelliert Bundesgesundheitsminister Philipp Rösler (FDP) weiter an die Bevölkerung, sich mit Blick auf die noch knappen Impfstoffmengen zu gedulden. In Germany, the Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler (FDP called on) to the population, have patience with a view to the still scarce amount of vaccine to be. Bei uns sind mittlerweile mehr als 60 000 Menschen infiziert. We are now infected more than 60 000 people.

I can't believe all the people who want to get vaccinated and have not investigated the vaccines! People need to WAKE UP!



    An inventory of potentially deadly pathogens at Fort Detrick's infectious disease laboratory found more than 9,000 vials that had not been accounted for, Army officials said yesterday, raising concerns that officials wouldn't know whether dangerous toxins were missing.

  2. A French article about the situation in the Ukraine:

    La dépêche AFP est tombée vendredi soir : 1,3 millions d’ukrainiens tombés malades depuis fin octobre, 265 décès dont 26 en 24 heures. Pas de doute, c’est bien une pandémie, présentée comme “épidémie de grippe et de difficultés respiratoires aiguës”, qui tombe comme une manne céleste au secours d’une campagne de vaccination désespérément boudée par les français. L’OMS lève tout doute sur la question, estimant que “il n’y avait pas de différence importante entre le développement de la pandémie de H1N1 en Ukraine et dans d’autres pays touchés”, et attribuant l’effervescence médiatique autour de cette affaire “à la panique”.

    Toutefois, ces déclarations rassurantes de l’OMS n’ont pas empêché les gourous de l’institution médicale mondiale de prendre sous son contrôle le pays, en vertu du IHR 2005 et d’y faire décréter la loi martiale, pendant que la police confisque les dossiers des hôpitaux. Cette explosion des chiffres soudaine marque une démesure suspecte par rapport au reste de l’Europe, qu’on en juge : Pour 1,3 million le vendredi 13, on a 650.000 contaminés une semaine auparavant, le vendredi 6 novembre, pour à peine 200.000 début novembre. A un million de contaminations toutes les 2 semaines, l’inquiétude est légitime, le pays, déjà étranglé par les injonctions du FMI, pourrait finir au tapis avant la fin de l’année, entraînant avec lui le reste du monde si la contagion était avérée.

    Pourquoi, malgré ses propos rassurants, l’OMS a-t-elle envoyé une délégation faire des prélèvements, reçus le 3 novembre (noter que ce jour l’OMS ne recommande pas la fermeture des frontières), pour lesquelles aucune réponse n’a été apportée à ce jour ? Pire encore, le seul hôpital capable de dépister le H1N1 a été fermé à Kiev, ce qui remet toute capacité d’expertise aux seules mains de l’OMS, qui devient propriétaire exclusif de l’information. Alors, en dépit de cette appropriation de monopole, des éléments filtrent-ils d’Ukraine ?


  3. • Auf fragwürdigen Schutz gegen die Grippe vertrauen die Serben: Sie setzen auf Knoblauch statt Impfung und die Knoblauchpreise steigen.

    180° wrong google translation: "At the questionable protection against the flu trust the Serbs: they rely on vaccination instead of garlic and garlic rising prices."

    Correct translation would be: "The Serbian population is relying on questsionable protection against the flu. The rely on garlic instead of the vaccination and the prices for garlic are rising!"

    But good to know that Serbia is not yet as brainwashed as the West ;) :)

    Good to know a few languages :)

  4. thank you Endtime, I don't know the languages so I have to rely on the google translation software.

  5. Endtime - here is the link to the translated French Blog - it is not an article in a paper - it is a blog talking about it.

  6. Hi Sherrie - it is off topic...
    but to important to miss :( :( :(

    Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women – Tell Your Doctors That Vaccines And Pregnancy Do Not Mix!

  7. Sherrie - sorry, I have to stop - it is 3.40 am...
    And I nearby did not sleep the past few days...

    Basically the blog is not telling a totally different story. But what is real good the title of the blog is "PLANETARY SHOAH (HOLOCAUST)".

    This gives you the idea - what is well known for insiders, that the US CIA is still today mixed up with Nazi-Fascist ideology.

    Just after the war the socalled "Ratline" brought the big gangsters out of Nazi-Germany over to the States and to Argentine. The politicians went more to Argentine and the scientists, doctors from the camps etc. and secret service people more to the States.

    This operation is codenamed "Ratline". And it was set in motion by the Vatican - sorry to all good willing Catholics - and organized mainly by a high level Maltese Knight, Peter G. Grace, from New York - and our Swiss Red Cross, as far as I remember, gave them the necessary ID papers so they came across the lines.

    Peter G. Grace (hope I did not mix up the name) is burried in a monastry out of which I know a former Catholic nun which was misused in there and has now her own webpage:

    I know her in the meantime pretty well. Her uncle, who goes under the pen name "uncle microchips" since they completely chipped him (in a US hospital during some treatment!!!! somewhere down in California!!!) and are til this day following and harrassing electronically him, he even was at my flat a few weeks ago together with an other US American of Polish origin...

    I could tell you long stories ;)
    but now I HAVE to go to sleep...
    Peace - Friede - Paix - Pace - Shalom - Salaam - Shlomo :)

  8. Good night - hope you have good dreams! :)

    Thanks for all the info and links!
