I took out all the Ukrainian language - because the article is very long - BUT it is Worth Reading! It puts everything together and connects dots!
Forced mass vaccination. In the "living magazine" I was approached with the question: "Boy - you are special to military equipment - please give their interpretation of whether a component of rocket fuel to cause pneumonia?" . It turns Ukraine rages a strange pneumonia, from which people die. And some readers Learn it tied to the transport of toxic components of rocket fuel to Russia for disposal. I am not an expert on military technology, and an analyst who knows how to use available information. In this case, I found out that pneumonia is not toxic blend that really carry, and amyl - other toxic oxidant. That is, the strange connection of pneumonia in the Ukraine to the transport of toxic components of rocket fuel there. But the question back my interest in the "swine flu", is officially in Ukraine because people are dying from it.
Interest in the topic "swine flu" I have a slightly faded after a conversation with a specialist microbiologist Michael Supotnitskim, who denied the possibility of artificial origin of the pandemic. This is not easy microbiologist, and the military who has to deal precisely with those aspects of the application of scientific knowledge. I had no reason not to trust the specialist, the more so in his publications have been studies of this kind, for example, outbreaks of anthrax in Sverdlovsk in April 1979 Michael Supotnitsky convincingly demonstrates involvement with the U.S. special services. Why should he shield the Americans, if they are involved and for a pandemic "of swine flu"?
Microbiology rejected the possibility of direct biological attack and, thus, a set of accumulated facts could speak only of a purely informational Act. The aim of forcing panic surrounding the outbreak is quite normal influenza could serve as income pharmacists associated with the excitement around Tamiflu and the influenza vaccine. The purpose could also be a justification for quarantine measures are used effectively to suppress the power of social protests of the population, resulting in the development of the crisis. But the loss of life in Ukraine, which according to the official version came from the "Swine flu", somewhat changed this picture. Statistics here differed sharply from the usual "pork" disease, formally - is ten times more deaths. What these statistics for today?
There are a lot of confusion, which the media used to whip up panic. . Ministry of Health of Ukraine refused to consider separately the cases of influenza H1N1 and leads only to a common showgirl for the disease SARS. There are currently 299 people died in 1,364,939 cases. Select from this mass of cases it is "swine flu" is impossible. Ukrainian doctors it is confirmed deaths from the "swine flu" only 14 people. Clinics Ukraine simply does not have the capacity to diagnose all cases of influenza H1N1, which gives some cause for prosecution Ukrainian government in fomenting fear for political reasons. Yes, from the beginning of the epidemic of influenza and SARS infected in Ukraine is about 1,25 million people, but it does not single out a country from the general background. У нас в In Russia, for example, from the beginning of these infections in the country infected nearly 24 million people, 545 of them died. However, Ukraine was declared an epidemic is "swine flu" without any evidence of laboratory testing data, and quarantine prohibits public events. Yuschenko asked for help from the international community and the United States allocates its already 930 thousand doses of vaccine for free. ... Russia sends them to your arbidol ...
Allocation of budget 5.5 billion hryvnia in action against the epidemic can be far-fetched and corrupt reasons.. Premiere in Ukraine has been accused of receiving kickbacks in the purchase of drugs from the "swine flu". And, it seems, quite reasonably:
Thus, the Government provided state guarantees for the purchase of medicines by $ 500 million to two companies - Broad Street Capital, LLC and Accupatient, LLC. First registered in New York, and according to the documents is a small financial consulting firm without a banking license, which employs 10 people. The second, and has recently been completely eliminated, as with a respective entry in the State of New Jersey. Before its closure, the company also had to do with medicine and traded food. . According to another contract, state guarantees for 800 million euros to equip the medical institutions of Ukraine received the company Pacific New Technologies Corp. (Канада) и Midwest New Tecnologies, Inc. (Canada) and the Midwest New Tecnologies, Inc. (США). (USA). Canadian firm, according to the regionals, registered in the offshore British Columbia, there are five people. They are engaged in trade, repair and construction. American company sells real estate. Her staff - two people. Tymoshenko's Cabinet was asked to deliver medical supplies and equipment in Ukraine remains unclear.Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health announced the deaths of dozens of citizens in the western regions of Ukraine from an unknown virus. In this case the main feature of disease progression was the lung, resulting in people dying of pneumonia. But the doctors to determine the nature of the virus within a few days they could not. " Later, the deaths attributed to "Swine flu", as popularly rumored about pneumonic plague. It is against this infection in the media was told that "Ukraine is raging epidemic of viral pneumonia." At its expense carry around hundreds of deaths in the Lviv region. It is to "Lviv infection" and include statements about the high death rate 10 times that of the general background of Ukrainian statistics on SARS quite noticeable. And what is the death rate is "pork" flu?
November 13, WHO announced that the world has recorded 503,536 cases of "swine" influenza, which led to 6260 deaths. Death, thus, "pork" influenza leads to 1,24% of cases. This is, so to speak, laboratory-confirmed cases. What do these figures? The fact that the virulence of "swine" influenza is not higher than usual! More precisely, it is usual for its lethal effects. Thus, in the article about the "Spaniard" Michael Supotnitsky presents data on fatal outcomes in diseases of H2N2 influenza in Leningrad in 1959 and in 1957. The overall case fatality rate in 1959 - 1,5%, in 1957 - 0,66. Ordinary flu can sometimes cause death, especially if the body is weakened. Bad tolerate flu elderly and children. С Modern statistics for Russia, it was for the "swine flu": "As of November 2, 2009 in Russia 3122 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza (H1N1) 2009. Recorded 19 fatalities, including 14 laboratory confirmed." This is a 0.6 % deaths. ! It seems to be an ordinary flu! So what are afraid of? I must say that the bulk of fears about a new type of influenza pumps WHO which awarded as early as June 6 th degree of danger of a pandemic. It's like a plague of the 21 st century, with millions of deaths. We need urgent action is needed mass vaccination. .. Mass vaccination ... That's about the mass vaccination and again there are suspicions. For the WHO's vaccine orders 4,5 billion and one of the main producers of these vaccines is selected the same Baxter, which had already been caught trying to spread the vaccine with live virus and bird flu, which is much more dangerous and causes death in 60% of cases. " Lviv is an infection, which has abnormal mortality propagating against "swine flu", only says that there it is about something other than "pork" flu. Although there is a possibility and the fact that the general background of the "swine" influenza, which is not diagnosed, are provided only instances of "pneumonic" complications, which is considered as a disease having abnormal mortality.
It should be recalled that the microbiologist Michael Supotnitsky denied the possibility of artificial origin is a flu epidemic, which spread of infection would go through the contamination of already sick people. As for the initiation of the epidemic was originally required to infect only a small number of people who would later become the source of infection for all others. According to him, a laboratory virus, which has such a pandemic potential (ie easily be passed from person to person), it is still impossible. Слишком сложны механизмы эпидемии. Too complicated mechanisms of the epidemic. I'm not going to argue with this assertion, the scientist knows best. However, there remain another possibility is biological attack - the artificial infection of large numbers of people. Imagine a massive infection, too difficult, but impossible in principle there is no longer in terms of the level of modern science. Especially if we assume a mass vaccination of the population. The fact that the vaccine may not be an obstacle to the disease, but by its artificial propagation, the idea seems quite seditious, even paranoid. However, the case of a vaccine against Baxter gives us a reason to take into account such a possibility. The fact that the vaccine were once two types of live viruses, which only in combination can cause an outbreak of disease, as it is difficult to explain the accident. There is an accident rather that they found in the vaccine prior to vaccination. An investigation to the case is still not finished and I have no doubt that it generally ends once clearly and convincingly. Especially if you remember the history of white powder, which is sent in envelopes in the United States. Bioterrorist act with anthrax in the United States in 2001 tried to cancel on Islamic terrorists, but microbiologist Bruce Ivins, who made the examination, declined to conclude that in the "white powder" is bentonite. "This ... and the main component of clay cat litter, American intelligence loudly attributed the role of filler biological formulations Saddam ". After that, the scientist himself became the prime suspect in the terrorist attack and his life was cut short in a strange way a result of "suicide". Find in the event of failure of the terrorist attack similar to "scapegoat" in the bowels of Baxter probably will not be difficult. Найдут. Found. Already looking for, as he explained further, and the first case. Write off in case both at once.
By the way, about the "scapegoat". Three months ago, was arrested by Israeli microbiologist Joseph Moshe on terrorism charges. Baxter International . Before that, he accused Baxter International in the production of biological weapons at the plant, which is ... Moreover, this "terrorist" gave many details on this topic. In his version of the Ukrainian laboratory of producing biological weapons, disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contains an adjuvant, to weaken the immune system, and a copy of the RNA from the virus responsible for "Spanish" flu of 1918. . Here I would add: an adjuvant may also serve to enhance immunity, which will only exacerbate the harmful effects of the virus "Spanish flu". Why - it will be clear later. And the genomes of several viruses (influenza including) consist only of RNA, that is, they have it played the role in higher organisms perform DNA. Actually the flu virus - is only 8 fragments of RNA in a protein shell. In general, the vaccine Baxter - a virus "Spanish flu" with an adjuvant. It remains only to take, but verify. If only we found someone who would be words checked Moshe! All this was said to them for three months before the strange pneumonia epidemic in the western regions of Ukraine. And what is happening there now?
. Pneumonic plague, or swine flu - we still die. Ukraine at the mercy of what we call the "swine flu" or pneumonic plague. What's going on until no one knows exactly, people continue to die. About 3 000 citizens of Ukraine, more than 1000 residents of Belarus, is not known how many Russian citizens - all of them were victims of an unknown virus. As noted by some doctors - a virus - mutant can not be cured by any known drugs for influenza or the plague. Another interesting fact is that the majority of deaths during the life of almost burned lungs. The temperature inside the lungs reaches 55 degrees. This was not encountered in the history of medicine ever. . Swine influenza, tell me? Symptoms of pneumonic plague virtually no different from the symptoms of "swine flu". Identify it can only bacteriological examination. People come to hospitals with the following symptoms: fever, cough, choke and not the ability to breathe normally.The disease progresses at a fast pace, affects the lungs, and people are dying from pneumonia. According to the minister, no person could be saved if he did not see a doctor, even at 5-7 days after the first symptoms.
Head of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, PhD, Professor Victor Bachinsky believes that people kill new aggressive virus, mixed with the flu A/N1N1:
As previously reported, all victims of the virus in Bukovina (22 persons aged from 20 to 40 years) died of bilateral pneumonia as complications of influenza. However, it is not, Professor Bachinsky said that the death of the patients was due to viral distress syndrome, ie the total destruction of the lungs. "Virus, which causes death, is very aggressive, he did not strike the trachea, and immediately get into the lungs and causes strong swelling and continuous hemorrhage. To such as lead mixed types of parainfluenza and influenza A/N1N1. This is a very toxic strain, which has not yet succumbed to the Ministry of Health worked out a method of treatment ", - noted Victor Bachinsky. Standards of treatment used now, do not give the results - in the intensive care unit could not save the people infected with the virus. Did not help and apparatus artificial respiration - mortality of people attacked in 100% of cases, said the professor. This virus is extremely toxic and penetrates the human body not only through the mucous membranes of the nose, but through the eyes - refuse to quarantine in such a situation plainly absurd, says an expert.
Various The internet forums only add uncanny detail. But where did the infection? October 30 in the drafting of certain local newspapers received calls with alarming reports of low flying aircraft, aerosol spray an unknown substance over the Lviv, Ternopil and other cities. There could affect political motives - presidential elections in Ukraine scheduled for January. Exclude "Counter-Maidan with measures of quarantine is also quite plausible version. But we will not be distracted is the Ukrainian political theme. Let's take a version of the Israeli microbiologist who in the media for some reason does not penetrate completely. This is despite the fact that the media is usually very greedy for all kinds of sensations of this kind. Hint of that terrible flu virus - is the development of Russian military microbiologists and wail rises to heaven. Do not be so if the tracks lead to the U.S. special services. World Empire very effectively controls the world media.
. But back Ukrainian pandemic "viral pneumonia". Michael Supotnitsky believes that Ukraine has intensified pneumonic plague:
" "There is a form of life - the plague!" And, of course, unpleasant, that it is somewhere nearby. I just felt like you, until the past weekend: Ukraine experienced a contested election of elites. The population of the authorities during epidemics usually do not trust. The ground for rumors of a dangerous illness abundantly "manured" vaccinators screaming about an impending fatal swine influenza, etc. But she did have specific information describing symptoms similar to pneumonic plague, and, most importantly, the status of Ukrainian anti-plague stations. For example One observant doctor - Mikhail Nazarov - fell ill as he thought at first, a severe form of influenza. But when a flu-like symptoms were added pulmonary complications and high fever, the doctor assigned itself an intensive course of antibiotics. So he crawled away from the brink, leading to oblivion. "
I respect the opinion of the expert, but here let me recall something from his own publications. The clinical picture of "Spanish" flu:
"" "The influenza pandemic of 1918-1920. Doctors often had to observe the extremely fast development occurring as pneumonia, accompanied by extensive lung damage with a large amount of blood in the sputum, flowing rapidly, with symptoms of severe general toxicity, with rapidly growing lesion of the cardiovascular system, a sharp drop in blood pressure, a dimming of consciousness, and advancing rapidly fatal. If the patient's death did not occur in the first three days, the high from the very onset of the disease the temperature curve, in most cases during this time reduced to once again rise to more or less extended period of time, that was associated developed complications or worsening of pulmonary disease. The harshest and most frequent changes in the patient's body to the organs of respiration - hoarseness, nosebleeds, harassing cough, hemoptysis, and sometimes very long, with the release of first bloody, and then purulent sputum. Creep , mnogodolchatost, mosaic of the study - characteristics of influenza pneumonia in 1918-1920. If inflammation captured the entire portion of light, the physical phenomenon is similar to croupous pneumonia. It was during epidemics of influenza increase the incidence of lobar pneumonia, which occur atypical. The exact difference of pneumonia from influenza is not always possible, even at autopsy. distinguish clinically influenza pneumonia was the lack of crisis inherent in lobar pneumonia, sometimes the patient's temperature fell almost critical, but the phenomenon in the lungs remained the same as what had happened with lobar pneumonia. In addition, with pneumonia caused by the "Spanish flu" was not rusty sputum and sputum production characteristic periods characteristic of lobar pneumonia. Blood, released in the sputum of these patients sometimes in large numbers, was a liquid and frothy. "
It seems that we hear about "viral pneumonia" in Ukraine? Very. . This Supotnitsky notes that "the virus that caused the influenza pandemic of 1918-1920., Taxonomically located on the border between the families of human influenza virus and pigs, and outside of bird viruses. That is, there was more of a "swine" influenza. In another interview Supotnitsky recalls that the Spanish flu pandemic in southern Russia has become such a nature that got telegrams from the field about the appearance of pneumonic plague, and Lenin to deploy special anti scorbutic train. That is, he knows that the symptoms of pneumonic plague coincides with the "Spanish flu" in its "pneumonic" complications, but he sent a plague to the train to the Ukraine. I think the point here is that it is too much trust in official information about the "Swine flu", which is somewhat different from "Spanish flu". Of course, we can talk in general about the two different viruses, one serotype, where one is a "pig", and the second - this "Spanish flu". They are similar, but differ in two aspects - one good idea is spreading, but is relatively safe, the second - poorly distributed, but causes dangerous complication in the form of "pneumonic plague". The old "Spanish flu" can no longer apply, because it can not overcome the barrier of immunity, once emerged, and still not lost humanity. But it apparently still infect you can, especially if you give way to the virus directly into the bloodstream bypassing the barriers of immunity. The road may be trampled and other virus or a vaccine which removes specific immunity.
Incidentally, the most "Spanish flu" with the immunity is very unusual.now leads a graph of the number of deaths from the age of patients:
In connection with non-standard response to the Spanish flu virus immunity, you can recall the scandal that occurred in Germany:
The scandal broke recently, and vaccines in Germany, when it was discovered that immunized against swine flu politicians and officials will do the wrong vaccine, which prescribes the ordinary citizen. Media reports: the powers that be offered a different, better tolerated by the organism vaccine. Officials of the European Union receive the vaccine, specially produced in a limited series and do not contain mercury and aluminum products. Neither do they offer adjuvant squalene. Ordinary citizens are not in relationship with Merkel and Sarkozy will receive a full set of mercury-aluminum stabilizer. Establish the existence of two versions of the vaccine has the French Nouvel Obs. Journalists have proved that the country has received two shipments of the drug - 50,000 doses for the "important people" and 94 million doses for the ordinary Zhakov.
The presence of two types of vaccines in itself is interesting, but what adjuvant squalene? Adjuvants are added to vaccines to increase their "efficiency" and cost of vaccine needed for one dose. . They make the immune system to respond to the presence of viruses powerful, unnatural and potentially dangerous way. . New adjuvant for published in the print data 10 times more active than others known. And 10 times more dangerous, as adjuvants cause autoimmune diseases - diseases associated with excessive immune response. Squalene proved to be the worst of the worst among the adjuvants - says Dr. Dzhzef Merkola (Joseph Mercola) and concludes that the danger of such vaccination. It is not the only one of the doctors, who warn of such hazards. Lynn Jennings, MD, asserts that the anthrax vaccine, which were vaccinated soldiers before the war in Iraq, included this particular adjuvant. As a result, 200 percent of the incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, optic neuritis and other autoimmune diseases. . All of them together because of the frequent manifestations called "Gulf War syndrome", although it is more accurately described as "a syndrome vaccine squalene." . Because the war was not the cause, and vaccinated.
Adjuvant squalene contained in preparations of MF-59 from Novartis and AS03 from GlaxoSmithKline, are part of their influenza vaccines.
Adjuvant MF59 ® is based on oil and contains polyoxyethylene sorbitan Tween80, sorbitan trioletat Span85, and unsaturated hydrocarbon squalene. In experiments with oil adjuvants in rats, the animals were maimed and crippled. Squalene rats caused severe symptoms of arthritis, and studies conducted on people who have been given billions of particles 10-20 squalene, showed a heavy influence on the immune system and the development of autoimmune diseases .. . GlaxoSmithKline vaccine will consist of antigens newly isolated strain of influenza, as well as its proprietary adjuvant system AS03, which was approved in the EU, together with its vaccine against H5N1 avian influenza in 2008. According to the European public assessment report, AS03 adjuvant, composed of squalene (10.68 mg), DL-α-tocopherol (11.86 mg) and polysorbate 80 (4.85 mg).
Now the Internet circulates many versions of conspiracy over the flu. Many facts are undocumented and really alarming, and I cited them. In these articles you can find additional facts supporting the existence of a "conspiracy of pharmacists. But I want to mention one important detail, which is usually absent. People do not die from flu, but from complications caused by them. This complication is an overreaction of the immune system by the virus. Combination of such effects of the virus with an adjuvant that amplify the immune response, will only exacerbate the effect of the virus. It may be noted and highly suspicious role in the story, played by WHO. WHO has already been seen in suspicious fraudulent tetanus vaccination with the Rockefeller Foundation, working in conjunction with the Population Council, John D. Rockefeller, the third, the World Bank, UN Development Program, Ford Foundation and other organizations. The desire to reduce the population of the planet such vaccines is no longer news.
To this we must add the following facts.
1. Tests vaccines were accelerated and only those options that do not contain adjuvants. In fact, the tests were "VIP-vaccine" actually relatively safe, but not intended for mass vaccination.
2. The company Baxter International has patented the vaccine H1N1 is August 28, 2008, before the first cases of the flu in Mexico. This is the patent application numbered US 2009/0060950 A1.
3. Recently adopted laws absolving the company's vaccine manufacturers from liability in case of "adverse" effects of vaccination.
4. Despite the statistics, which does not single out "swine flu" of lethal effects of normal seasonal, WHO recommends mass vaccination. . When pandemic level 6 its recommendations are binding for all countries, irrespective of a pandemic situation. Is not this the goal was, and the introduction of level 6?
5. Before the introduction of the maximum level of pandemic threat, WHO has changed the criteria themselves determine the level of danger.
6. Some countries have enacted laws on compulsory vaccination and the responsibility of citizens in the event of failure. So did the first Massachusetts in August of this year. Clearly, the WHO recommends that similar legislation will be taken in other countries. Order WHO 4,5 billion vaccines involves mass vaccination of the entire planet.