Thanks again Fran!
Warnung vor Behörden, Instituten und Medien Warning of authorities, institutions and media
Meldungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO, Gesundheitsämtern, Einrichtungen wie dem Robert-Koch- und Paul-Ehrlich-Institut sowie Medien wie zB Bild-Zeitung, Welt, Focus, Rheinische Post und selbst der ARD- Tageschau sollten Sie nicht blind vertrauen, denn durch ihre anhaltende Panikmache bez. News of the World Health Organization, WHO, health authorities, institutions such as the Robert Koch and Paul Ehrlich Institute, and media such as Bild-Zeitung, Welt, Focus, Rheinische Post, and even the ARD-day show, you should not blindly trust because of their persistent bez scaremongering. der dubiosen Schweingrippe, stehen sie gleichfalls unter Verdacht Gelder von den Produzenten der Impfstoffe erhalten zu haben. have received the dubious swine flu, they are also under suspicion of money from the producers of vaccines. Es ist definitv gelogen, dass Impfstoffe knapp seien und es deshalb Wartelisten gebe, die Impfung gegen Schweinegrippe völlig harmlos sei und die Grippe dagegen gefährlich. It is definitely a lie that vaccines were in scarce supply and therefore waiting lists, there was the swine flu vaccination against the flu, however harmless and dangerous. Es ist sogar nicht auszuschliessen, dass in Deutschland bereits mehr Menschen durch Impfungen starben als an den Folgen einer dubiosen Schweinegrippe. It is not even exclude that already more people in Germany died from vaccine as dubious as a result of swine flu. Die großen Pharma-Produzenten pflegen nur ca. 11 Prozent ihres Umsatzes in die Forschung zu stecken, aber 37 % in die PR für ihre Produkte. The major pharmaceutical producers maintain only about 11 percent of its revenue put into research, but 37% in the PR for their products. Selbst Milliarden Bestechungsgelder könnten somit bereits geflossen sein. Even billions of bribes could therefore already be flowing.
Drohungen aus Russland gegen die WHO Threats from Russia against the WHO
Während in Russland die Ausbreitung einer Grippeepidemie bereits unter Kontrolle der Gesundheitsbehörden zu sein scheint und die Zahlen der Erkrankten zurückgehen, sind jetzt auch hier die WHO und die Pharmaindustrie unter Korruptionsverdacht geraten. While in Russia, the spread of a flu epidemic is already under the control of health seems to be back and the numbers of sufferers are now here come the WHO and the pharmaceutical industry is under suspicion of corruption. Beide versuchen schon seit Monaten gemeinsam, mittels "druckvollen Empfehlungen", Moskau zum Kauf des Anti-Virus-Präparates Tamiflu des schweizer Arzneimittelherstellers "Roche" zu bringen. Both have been trying for months together to get through "powerful recommendations," Moscow for the purchase of anti-viral drug Tamiflu, the Swiss drug company "Roche". Die russische Regierung hat aber, ebenso wie schon früher die polnische Gesundheitsministerin Kopacz, Bedenken gegen die angebliche Gefahr der Schweinegrippe geäussert und alle diesbezüglichen Gegenmittel folgerichtig in Frage gestellt. The Russian Government has, however, just as earlier the Polish Health Minister Kopacz, concerns about the alleged threat of swine flu, and all such remedies expressed consistently called into question.
Russland fordert internationale Untersuchung Russia calls for international investigation
Der Dumaabgeordnete und Vorsitzende des russischen Gesundheitsausschusses Igor Barinow hat den ständigen Vertreter Russlands bei der WHO angewiesen, Ermittlungen in Zusammenhang mit den sich mehrenden Korruptionsvorwürfen gegen die Organisation und der Pharmaindustrie anzustellen. The Duma deputy and leader of Russia's Igor Barinov Health Committee has instructed the Permanent Representative of Russia to the WHO to conduct investigations in connection with the increasing numbers of corruption allegations against the organization and the pharmaceuticals industry. "Es gibt schwerwiegende Vorwürfe wegen Korruption innerhalb der WHO. Eine internationale Untersuchung hierzu ist unabdinglich. Wir haben bereits 4 Milliarden Rubel im Kampf gegen die neue Grippe ausgegeben, dieses Geld hätte für wesentlich dringlichere Probleme ausgegeben werden können. Wenn sich derartige Vorwürfe von Verschwörung und Korruption bestätigen, könnte dies auch einen Austritt Russlands aus der WHO bedeuten" - sagte Barinow am Freitag und fügte hinzu, dass niemand an der Stichhaltigkeit der WHO im Kampf gegen Malaria, Pocken und HIV im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert zweifele, doch jetzt aber müsse geklärt werden, ob die Organisation selbst nicht mit Korrupten Subjekten infiziert sei. "There are serious allegations of corruption within the WHO. An international investigation of this is indispensable. We have already spent 4 billion rubles in the struggle against the new flu, this money could be spent on much more pressing problems. If such allegations of conspiracy and Confirm corruption could also mean a withdrawal of Russia from the WHO "- Barinov said Friday, adding that no one doubted the validity of the WHO in the fight against malaria, smallpox and HIV in the twentieth century, but now, however, must be clarified whether the organization is not itself infected with corrupt entities.
" Polskaweb News " macht die Welt schon seit Monaten auf Ungereimtheiten um die Schweinegrippe aufmerksam. "Polskaweb News" makes the world for months on inconsistencies attention to the swine flu. Leider werden die Behörden aber wieder erst reagieren wenn den Tätern ausreichend Zeit gelassen wurde, ihre Verbrechen zu verschleiern und Beweise zu vernichten. Unfortunately, the authorities will respond, but again only when the perpetrator was allowed sufficient time to cover up their crimes and destroying evidence.
The nominal leader of the so-called Health Committee can huff and puff all he wants, but I'm not holding my increasingly precious breath waiting for Russia to open any investigation of, or initiate any withdrawal from, the perfidious WHO, until such time as Russia begins to clean up its own act specific to its own near terminal case of denial. Whereas the WHO prefers to air its contagious lies right out in the open, for all to choke on, certain powers that be in Russia would like to obfuscate any further semblance of established fact under a smothering blanket of obscurity and secrecy.
ReplyDeleteHow can certain authorities justify their treatment of Ivan Peregorodiev, merely upon some lame excuse of "panic prevention"? I was under a fleeting impression that the general object was supposed to be "pandemic" prevention. Does this young man look or sound like he is having a joke, or lying? -
Also, could this be a link to a certain "research institute" which Ivan pointed at, that dear old Mother Russia would rather we never knew about at all? -
( note last two sentences )...also see -
Finally, why does hardly anyone yet have any idea in Hell what's really been going down in Saratov?
And if that's not enough to begin to get a picture, and since we all love to juggle statistics and numbers so much, let's play the "WHO has the highest official epidemic level in Russia"? game - from ITAR-TASS -
Just pretty short:
ReplyDeleteThe ex-husband of our former neigbhour Susanne, got about 2 weeks ago the shot in CH-9100 Herisau "against the Swine Flu".
Next day he fell from the office chair and all reanimation helped nothing.
Maybe 1-2 weeks earlier I tried to warn Susanne S. through her son via Facebook.
But they did not inform "Teddy" (the father) - and now the common Son, Matthias, is left without daddy...
Now he was crying too much!! Would he really have listened - he is 22 years old and as we say still in the age of the youth, were they simply have not that much of life experience - , and believed, his daddy still could be alive.
No even my comments cannot reanimate him! Nor give Matthias his daddy back :(
More details on personal request to: