«Мы требуем от правительства немедленно приостановить гражданское сообщение или ввести жесткий карантинный режим с Украиной, где, как нам сообщили британские специалисты, «свиной грипп» подвергся мутации и приобрел очень опасную форму для человека», - сказал на заседании парламента депутат Джонди Багатурия. "We demand the government immediately suspend civil message, or enter a tough quarantine regime with Ukraine, where, as we said British experts," swine flu "has undergone mutations and become very dangerous form for humans," - said at a meeting of parliament deputy Dzhondi Bagaturia.
Representatives of the parliamentary majority considered the initiative of deputies from the opposition "incompetent" and assured that the measures taken by the Ministry of Health of Georgia to prevent the epidemic of influenza are adequate, informs "Interfax-Ukraine".
Как сообщал ForUm , 18-19 ноября текущего года пройдет рабочий визит президента Грузии Михаила Саакашвили в Украину . В ходе визита планируется подписать соглашения между правительствами о воздушном сообщении и о сотрудничестве между Министерствами юстиций двух стран. As reported ForUm, 18-19 November this year will pay a working visit of Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili to Ukraine. During a visit planned to sign an agreement between governments on air services and cooperation between the Ministries of Justice of both countries.
Saakashvili is an international war criminal, and should never even be allowed to enter the sovereign region of Ukraine. But if he already has, he has done so at his own peril, and may he be accursed with the same eventual fate which he wrought upon the innocents of Tskinvali last year. This foul creature needs to be arrested, summarily tried, and executed by firing squad at sunrise, by anything resembling what's left of the utter shambles of Ukrainian authority.