Friday, June 25, 2010

EU Council Calls for Probe of WHO and their handling of the Swine Flu 6/25/10

 I sincerely hope they come out with a real investigation!  Also, remember WHO wants to tax ALL OF OUR INTERNET USE from everyone around the world for Helping get Lower income people and countries Vaccinated!

 STRASBOURG — The Council of Europe called Thursday for a probe into the World Health Organisation's handling of the H1N1 swine flu outbreak, which it said led to unjustified scares and waste of public money.

A council parliamentary assembly identified "grave shortcomings" about WHO transparency about its position on the flu, "generating concerns about the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on decisions taken," a statement said.

The session adopted a text that says there was "overwhelming evidence that the seriousness of the pandemic was vastly overrated by WHO".

Paul Flynn, British author of a report endorsed by the assembly, told the session that the WHO's June 11, 2009 declaration of a H1N1 pandemic had enabled the pharmaceutical industry to reap large profits.
The handling of the pandemic by the WHO, EU health groups and governments led to the "waste of large sums of public money, and unjustified scares and fears about the health risks faced by the European public", the statement said.

The text adopted by the assembly, meeting in the eastern French city of Strasbourg, called for an enquiry that would taken into account "a wide range of expertise and opinions" including contrary views.

It also demanded that "declarations of interest of experts involved are made public without exception."
The resolution regrets that the world health body did not revise its position on the outbreak "despite the overwhelming evidence that the seriousness of the pandemic was vastly overrated by WHO at the outset."
The WHO said mid-June the H1N1 flu virus caused the confirmed deaths of 18,156 people since the pandemic alert a year earlier.

It has rejected claims that its handling of the pandemic was marred by commercial interests.

EU Council Says "WHO, Vastly Over rated Swine Flu" 6/25/10

Looks like some are actually telling the truth of what is.  I wonder, how much was given to the pharma companies last year?

Also, I still have the concern they have now combined the seasonal flu vaccines with the Swine Flu vaccine, for this coming Flu season. 

Threats of a swine flu pandemic were 'vastly over-rated' by the World Health Organisation, an inquiry has concluded.

The Council of Europe last night also accused the UN's health arm of 'grave shortcomings' in the process that led it to declare a pandemic last year.
Plummeting confidence in health advice could prove 'disastrous' in the event of a severe future pandemic, parliamentarians at the Strasbourg-based senate said. 

The assembly also accused the WHO of being 'highly defensive' of its handling of the outbreak and drugs companies of influencing the decisions taken.

Members, including five British MPs, voted overwhelmingly in favour for greater transparency in public health decisions.

It wants governments to 'ensure that the private sector does not gain undue profit from public health scares' and drug companies to revise their rules to ensure any potential conflicts of interests are made public.

The debate and recommendations follow a report which described the declaration of the H1N1 pandemic as a ' monumental error' driven by drug companies  -  spreading fear and wasting huge amounts of money.
Paul Flynn, the British MP who led the Council Of Europe probe, described it as 'a pandemic that never really was'.

Mr Flynn said predictions of a 'plague' that would wipe out up to 7.5million people proved to be 'an exaggeration', with fewer than 20,000 deaths worldwide.

Britain braced itself for up to 65,000 deaths and signed vaccine contracts worth £540million.

The actual number of deaths was less than 500 and the country is now desperately trying to unpick the contracts and unload millions of unused jabs.

The focus on swine flu also led to other health services suffering and widespread public fear.

Pharmaceutical companies, however, profited to the tune of £4.6billion from the sale of vaccines alone.

Mr Flynn said: 'There is not much doubt that this was an exaggeration on stilts. They vastly over-stated the danger on bad science and the national governments were in a position where they had to take action.

'In Britain, we have spent at least £1billion on preparations, to the detriment of other parts of the health system. This is a monumental failure on the WHO's part.'

The WHO has firmly rejected all the criticism, saying the outbreak fitted the criteria for a pandemic - and to claim otherwise was disrespectful to  those killed by the virus and their families.

It also takes the view that not all ties to drug companies are necessarily conflicts of interest.

Friday, June 4, 2010

UnBelievable!! WHO is STILL At it - Claims H1N1 STILL Pandemic! 6/4/10

Wow, WHO just keeps at it! By them saying so, they seem to try and make others believe it is a fact!

It is amazing they continue with this complete Lie, of which they LIED in the beginning and the European Commission has been investigating the claim of the H1N1 pandemic from the very start, by WHO.

WHO is in bed with all the vaccine makers, they seem to ignore the Facts and continue on their road of "Be Afraid, be Very Afraid" of the bogey man of a killer Flu.

Coming fall 2010, the seasonal flu vaccine will be mixed with H1N1 vaccine protection and, for the first time, the CDC's Advisory Committee they are now recommending those over 6 months of age get vaccinated!

They want people that young now to get the Vaccine!

Will they ever give up? Will people believe them, anymore?

I Hope not!

UPDATE6/4/10 11:30AM EST

This is Priceless!!

The same day the above post information comes out, this Study comes out! Love It!

British Medical Journal - has come to the conclusion



The report, published in the British Medical Journal, found World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines on the use of medicine to treat the virus were prepared by experts who had received consulting fees from the top two manufacturers of the drugs - Roche and GlaxoSmithKline.

The WHO's decision to name the flu a "pandemic" is also coming under scrutiny from European investigators, and stands accused of exaggerating the dangers of the H1N1 outbreak, which emerged in April last year.

'Exaggerated scare story'

A report by the Council of Europe, also released on Friday, accused the WHO of a lack of transparency over the pandemic announcement - saying it wasted huge sums of money and provoked "unjustified fears".